Memory Lane: Sunday School songs

Lately I’ve had nostalgic memories of the Sunday School songs I sang as a child. For years as I was participating in Children’s Ministry regularly I sang lots of them regularly, but the last while I have not heard them. I have great memories of Richard K leading us kids in Kids Church or Wednesday nights – I hope my kids have similar experience, and hope their childhood songs aren’t just confined to “child like” versions of Hillsongs – not that these new fangled songs are bad, I just like the classics!

In no particular order, here’s a list of some favorites I remember – anyone else want to add your favorite?
1. Twelve Men Went To Spy On Canaan
2. Roll the gospel chariot along
3. Please don’t smoke (this song had huge ramifications for the gospel)
4. I’ve got the Victory
5. Deep & Wide
6. Away far over Jordan
7. I May Never March in the infantry
8. If you’re happy and you know it
9. My God Is So Big
10. Zaccheus was a wee little man

Parenting link

If I was going to write a great post about parenting and lifestyle choices, I would try to write it something like this. A sweet mix of common sense and god wisdom with a dash of sarcasm. Now to take some of that advice and apply it in my life – as far as going to bed one kid is close, the other not so much, other parts need a fair bit of work…


We just got home from church and lunch out with great friends.  It was my routine, before kids, to usually have that Sunday afternoon nap that we all love, but today I found myself wanting to write about an “ah ha” moment that I had in church.  Church was quite refreshing today as the topic was “Grace” and everything was quite relaxed.  Doug spoke a little bit, which was nice because I hadn’t heard him in a really long time.  He also left time for others to share and a few did, which was great as some really touched my heart.  He showed a couple videos which were short, but very powerful and I found it all making me smile.

Anyway, I think I understand the concept of grace a little bit more after today.  I have always found myself doubting grace and not really believing that it is a “free gift.”   I have always been one to ask “How do I get into heaven?” or “What do I have to do to get to heaven?”  I find myself sometimes thinking that I won’t “make” it into heaven because I really have not done enough for Jesus.  Tim, bless his heart, has been trying, for years, to convince me that there is nothing I do that gets me there, but rather God’s grace and Jesus’ love that allows me access to heaven.  One would think I would embrace that idea and take hold of it because in some ways it seems so easy, right?  I get to go to heaven because Jesus loves me and died for my sins and because I love Him and believe in Him. Well, I have never really thought that was the case and have lived my life in fear of hell because I know that I am a sinner and I don’t live my life the way Jesus would want me to on a regular basis.

However, during church I was thinking that God’s love for me is kind of like my love for my kids.  When Elijah or Michael make bad choices and do things that are not right I am going to listen to them, forgive them, and always love them.  There is nothing that either of them could do that would make me stop loving them.  There is also nothing they could do or say that would make me love them more.  In fact, if I was the one making the decision about their salvation I would not hesitate – they would be in heaven.  I would not remember all the times they had wronged me or all the mistakes they had made.  I wouldn’t remember the times they ignored me, yelled at me, or rejected me.  What I would do is open my arms to them, accept them, and love them – just the way they are.  Then it hit me!  God loves me even more than I love my kids.  That means that no matter what I do, or don’t do, God is going to listen to me, forgive me, accept me and love me – just the way I am.  It also means that I am heaven-bound!

I have a minute…

I have been meaning to post something for 6 weeks, but it is just now that I find myself able to sit at the computer for more than 5 minutes to get some thoughts typed out.

Life is busy!  Life is sleepless!  Life is mundane! Life is fun, happy, eventful, and purposeful!  There is so much I have been thinking about my life over these passed 6 weeks.  A lot of those thoughts, to be honest, have not been positive.  I realized over the last couple days that I have mostly been a negative “pout” over the past month and have not been seeing the joy in my life.  I was reminded of this on the weekend, by my husband – last night, by God – and this afternoon, by a friend.

My friend and I admitted to each other that we have both been giving ourselves “pour me – pity parties” these last weeks and have been robbing ourselves and our families of happiness.  I am ashamed to say that I have often complained about “no sleep” or “Michael crying” when I should be thankful that I have  two healthy beautiful boys that do cry and keep me awake at night.

I have also realized that I over analyze how I parent.  I question my thoughts and actions everyday and I wonder if I am doing things “right?”  I read books and I talk to people so much that it stresses me out and makes me worry that they are then analyzing my parenting style.  Why can’t I just be content to ask God for wisdom and then trust that Tim and I are making the right decisions?  Why can’t I just look at my boys and be proud of what they did today instead of  stressing about what they are not doing today?  Why can’t I focus on the day or week instead of worrying about what obstacle I am going to have to tackle next month or next year?  Why? Why? Why?

I have come to the conclusion that the first few months of a babies’ life are the hardest for me and that everything seems worse when I’m not sleeping enough.  I have also decided that I am going to suck it up and enjoy the time I have with these boys because before I know it they’ll be in school and I’ll be wishing for more time with them.  I am also going to quit feeling sorry for myself and I’m going to be thankful for all the blessings I have in my life – at least this is my plan!

Now that I have rambled on forever I’ll wind it up by saying “Ask me in a month how I’m feeling about life?”


Originally uploaded by ykcofc.

We’ve been seeing a lot of this lately … it’s his Auntie Nicole’s raging temper coming out in him… but it’s still kind of cute – the first few times. He also can turn it off and on almost instantly so that’s good – kind of.

Moving Miracles

I am now 24 wks pregnant and am amazed at the movements I am feeling in my tummy! What an amazing miracle from God to have a person moving and growing inside of you. Even Tim can feel it at times and I am able to tell the difference between a kick and a turn. No thoughts yet on what it is. We will be thankful for a healthy baby of either sex, but I think in our hearts we may be hoping for one or the other. We are not vocalizing that though, so we’ll both be happy and content with whatever comes in July.

I have been feeling quite good for the most part. No problems with foods or nausea. Back and muscle pain is the greatest complaint, but that is just from the stretching and pulling that my belly is doing right now. I can’t believe the way skin stretches! Another miracle of God.

It still isn’t real in some ways. How can there be a real baby growing in my belly? What does it hear and think and smell? How is it feeling? Does it know I love it already and we haven’t even met? Is this really happening? Oh, there’s a kick – guess it’s for real!!