/300 Back to 1992

Back to 1992…We found some of Tara’s old posters and Elijah wanted to put them up in his room.

/300 Carrie Underwood

Tim & Tara at the Carrie Underwood concert – that lit up person is Carrie on her floating stage.

/300 Elijah Swimming

Elijah’s joy for life (and swimming) captured in this pic by Auntie Harm.

/300 Rider Pride

A Rider fan mixed in with Packer faithful heading home after Monday Night Football, Seattle, WA.

/300 Mariners Game

Tim and Billy at Mariner’s game. Tim joining in with the locals, Billy realistically knowing rally caps cannot change the talent level of this year’s Mariners.

/300 Crowsnest Pass

A couple of hours into Tim & Billy’s road trip to Seattle for soccer, baseball and Monday Night football.

272/300 Tying Shoes

Elijah learning to tie his new first non-velcro shoes.

271/300 Studies

Elijah studying for his first test – weekly spelling in Grade 2. Ella providing some distraction.

/300 An EllaPhant

Ella trying out Halloween costumes.

270/300 Elijah at DQ

Elijah with Dad enjoying supper at DQ while Mom, Michael & Ella were in Minnedosa for the weekend.